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2019.04 – 4AM
a story about hopelessness and wanting to run away. and a talking tree

2020.03 – WHAT IF
unrequited love and daydreaming about a pirate adventure all from the comfort of your own home!

2020.07 – art is
a little collection of comics about art

2021.06 – unavoidable, or, the reluctant hero
they didn’t ask for any of this. they didn’t know what it would mean. a story about a magic sword and a chosen hero but it’s not zelda i prommy

2021.08 – RED
there was a fire. that’s not what killed me.

2022.12 – somethingiswrong
a collection of negative feelings from 2022.

2023.12 – something is missing
absences, gaps, and silences in the archives. you need to look at what is left behind, even if it is just an absence.